Universitas Madura
Jl. Panglegur Km. 3,5 Pamekasan Jawa Timur

(0324) 322231, 325786

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Deskripsi : This study aims to describe the application of Madurese literature as a medium for learning Madurese in the globalization era Qualitative descriptive research method with research subjects of fourth grade students at SDIT Multazam Pamekasan. The research location is SDIT Mulatazam Pamekasan which is located in Buddih Village, Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency. Data collection through interviews, observation and questionnaires. The results of the research and discussion of the children's literature used are the Madurese song poetry entitled Kembang Malate and tondhu' majheng. With the application of this Madurese children's literary work, students' Madurese vocabulary and language skills develop rapidly. Students find it easy to pronounce and understand the meaning of the Madurese language if it is conveyed in the form of songs that have a happy tone because it is different from everyday language, the language in literary works is emo-aesthetic in nature which expresses beauty. Because language in literature is a language that is creative, for example there is sound play in poetry and rhymes, by reading literary works intensely, students are increasingly creative in using their language. Students become trained to operate grammatical structures better and creatively. Students also know the level of language contained in Madurese and its proper use. Students are now starting to actively use Madurese, especially when communicating with peers.

Keyword : Madura literature, Madurese, globalization era

Peneliti : LAILI AMALIA, S.Pd.,M.Pd. (Universitas Madura), YULIARSIH, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Universitas Madura), TJITRA RAMADHANI, SS.,S.Pd.,M.Pd (Universitas Madura)

Tanggal : 2023, Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Nominal Rp. 3.400.000