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Fight Danger! Madura University Post 25 KKN Students Hold Socialization on the Dangers of Cigarettes and Drugs in Bicorong Village


Pamekasan, 27 July 2024. In an effort to educate the younger generation about the dangers of smoking and drugs, Madura University KKN students from group 25 held intensive outreach at the As-Sonhaji Karang Nyior Foundation, Bicorong Village, Pakong District, Pamekasan Regency. This activity was carried out in secondary schools, with active participation from junior and senior high school students at the Riyadul Ulum Karang Nyior Institute.

Pamekasan, 27 July 2024. In an effort to educate the younger generation about the dangers of smoking and drugs, Madura University KKN students from group 25 held intensive outreach at the As-Sonhaji Karang Nyior Foundation, Bicorong Village, Pakong District, Pamekasan Regency. This activity was carried out in secondary schools, with active participation from junior and senior high school students at the Riyadul Ulum Karang Nyior Institute.

This outreach aims to increase awareness of the serious health risks posed by smoking and drug abuse. According to the activity coordinator, Mahsun, "We want to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the negative impact of smoking and drugs not only on their physical health, but also on their social and academic aspects." Achmad Mudani, as village coordinator for KKN group 25, really encouraged all his members so that this event could run successfully. He explained that "today's youth are very easily influenced by the outside world, they think that smoking can make us cooler in public. Therefore, I am very enthusiastic that this event will be held quickly to provide students with an understanding of the dangers of smoking and drugs for health."

The event began with an informative presentation session, where Mrs. Anny Widarty, Amd. Keb., as a speaker, conveyed scientific facts about various serious diseases such as cancer, respiratory problems, as well as the psychological impacts that smoking and drugs can cause. "This is not only a matter of individual health, but also concerns their quality of life and future," added Mrs. Anny Widarty, Amd. Keb.


The interactive question and answer session provided students with the opportunity to ask questions directly to the presenter. The speaker also asked questions to students and gave rewards to students who could answer the questions, so that students were very enthusiastic about answering and had the opportunity to discuss ways to avoid the temptation of cigarettes and drugs in their surrounding environment. Apart from that, the presenters also showed videos containing in-depth information about the dangers of smoking and drugs, as well as practical suggestions for dealing with peer pressure that might encourage them to try these two substances.


This activity received a warm welcome from the Chairman of the Foundation and the Principal of the School as well as the Head of Bicorong Village. Chairman of the As-Sonhaji Karang Nyior Foundation, Kiyai Shoheb As-Sonhaji, expressed great appreciation for the student initiative. "We really support activities like this which not only provide knowledge but also teach students to make healthy and positive life choices," he said. He also added in his speech, "We must not find out or research about drugs, let alone consume them." Mr RKH. Ubaidillah S.Pt, M.Agr, S.SOS., as the representative of the Village Head, also strongly supported this activity. He stated that "Cigarettes and drugs are very dangerous, and we as a society with a broad mind only need to know their names, we should not know more, let alone try them."

It is hoped that this outreach activity can be a significant first step in changing students' behavior towards smoking and drugs, as well as inspiring the younger generation to care more about their own health and the environment around them.

Universitas Madura


03 August 2024
