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Performance Motivation Seminar for Madura University Lecturers and Education Personnel

#News (Saturday, 08/31/2024) Madura University has held a Performance Motivation Seminar for Lecturers and Education Personnel with the theme "Internalization of Values, Morals and Ethics for Superior Human Resources" on Saturday, August 31 2024. The event took place in the Joint Laboratory Hall of the University of Madura and was attended by various stakeholders within the university, including the Chancellor of the University of Madura, Dr. Gazali, M.M., along with the Head of the Rectorate, Madura University Foundation Management, Unit Leaders, Deans, as well as all lecturers and educational staff. (Saturday, 08/31/2024) Madura University has held a Performance Motivation Seminar for Lecturers and Education Personnel with the theme "Internalization of Values, Morals and Ethics for Superior Human Resources" on Saturday, August 31 2024. The event took place in the Joint Laboratory Hall of the University of Madura and was attended by various stakeholders within the university, including the Chancellor of the University of Madura, Dr. Gazali, M.M., along with the Head of the Rectorate, Madura University Foundation Management, Unit Leaders, Deans, as well as all lecturers and educational staff.

This seminar presented two presenters who were very competent in their fields, namely K.H. D Zawawi Imron, a leading scholar and humanist, and Dr. Kadarisman Sastrodiwirjo, M.Sc., academic who is also known as an expert in the field of human resource management. These two presenters provided an in-depth view of the importance of internalizing values, morals and ethics in an effort to create superior human resources in a higher education environment.

Chancellor of Madura University, Dr. Gazali, M.M., in his speech emphasized that lecturers and educational staff have a very important role in creating an ethical and moral academic environment. He stated that it was hoped that this seminar would be a driving force for the entire Madura University academic community to be more committed to developing and implementing moral and ethical values in every aspect of academic activities.

In the first session, guided by Dr. Kadarisman Sastrodiwirjo, M.Sc., focuses more on managerial aspects and professional ethics in the world of education. He emphasized that to achieve optimal performance, lecturers and education staff need to understand and internalize professional ethical values in every action and decision taken. In his presentation, Dr. Kadarisman also provides various practical strategies to improve performance based on strong ethical principles.

Second session, K.H. D Zawawi Imron delivered material about the importance of understanding and appreciating moral values in everyday life, especially in the context of education. He emphasized that lecturers and education staff must be role models in implementing these moral values, because they act as role models for students. Furthermore, he also discussed the relationship between morality and professional performance, where the two are closely related to each other in forming the character of superior human resources.

This seminar ended with an interactive question and answer session, where the participants were very enthusiastic in discussing and sharing experiences related to the application of values, morals and ethics in their work environment. It is hoped that through this seminar, lecturers and educational staff at Madura University will be increasingly motivated to continue to improve their performance based on strong moral and ethical values, so that they can contribute to creating superior and highly competitive human resources.


Universitas Madura


31 August 2024
