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Opening of Madura University PKKMB 2024

#News (Friday, 13/09/2024) Madura University held an Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) event in 2024 which took place lively in the courtyard of the University of Madura Rectorate, Friday (13/9/2024). This event was officially opened by the Chancellor of Madura University, Dr. Drs. Ec. H. Gazali, MM., and attended by all levels of the rectorate, unit leaders, as well as deans within the university. PKKMB 2024 was attended by hundreds of new students from various faculties who enthusiastically took part in the event. (Friday, 13/09/2024) Madura University held an Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) event in 2024 which took place lively in the courtyard of the University of Madura Rectorate, Friday (13/9/2024). This event was officially opened by the Chancellor of Madura University, Dr. Drs. Ec. H. Gazali, MM., and attended by all levels of the rectorate, unit leaders, as well as deans within the university. PKKMB 2024 was attended by hundreds of new students from various faculties who enthusiastically took part in the event.

In his speech, Dr. Gazali conveyed the importance of PKKMB as a first step for new students to get to know the academic environment and build connections between fellow students. He also reminded students to take advantage of this opportunity to understand the university's vision and mission and develop leadership character and high integrity. "Madura University is committed to producing a superior generation that is ready to compete in the global era," he said in front of the PKKMB participants.

Acara PKKMB tahun ini mengusung tema "Together Building a Generation of Madurese who are Superior and Globally Competitive." Selain pengenalan lingkungan kampus, acara ini juga menampilkan sejumlah kegiatan seperti seminar motivasi, diskusi akademik, serta berbagai permainan edukatif yang bertujuan untuk membangun solidaritas dan kerja sama antar mahasiswa baru. Mahasiswa juga diperkenalkan dengan berbagai unit kegiatan mahasiswa yang dapat menjadi wadah untuk mengembangkan potensi diri di luar perkuliahan.