Pendidikan moral pada anak usia dini sangat dipengaruhi oleh peran orang tua sebagai pendidik pertama dalam keluarga. Oleh karena itu, PAUD SEKAR JAMBI Pademawu berkomitmen untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran orang tua (wali murid) tentang pentingnya menanamkan nilai-nilai moral sejak dini melalui program Parenting education.
This program aims to equip parents with knowledge and skills in educating children wisely and based on good moral values. Through various educational activities, such as seminars, discussions, and training, parents are given an understanding of the importance of exemplary, positive communication, and habituation of good behavior in daily life.
Devie Reztia A, a Lecturer in Madura University as well as the chairman in this program said that ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? anki , it is hoped that parents will be more aware of their roles and responsibilities in shaping the character of children from an early age, so as to create a generation that has noble character and has noble character. One of the factors that determine the success of the inculcation of children's character values is good collaboration between the teacher and parents. This collaboration can be in the form of the involvement of parents in various activities carried out by teachers in schools and continued while at home in the house. .
Kesadaran orang tua dalam menanamkan nilai moral pada anak usia dini bukan hanya berdampak pada perkembangan pribadi anak, tetapi juga membentuk lingkungan sosial yang lebih harmonis. Oleh karena itu, program Parenting education di PAUD SEKAR JAMBI Pademawu dirancang untuk memberikan wawasan kepada orang tua tentang strategi pengasuhan yang efektif dan sesuai dengan tahap perkembangan anak.
In this program, parents are invited to understand the importance of the application of moral values, such as honesty, responsibility, discipline, empathy, and mutual respect. In addition, they are also given concrete examples of how to build good habits at home, for example by giving praise for the positive behavior of children, becoming an example in behaving, and creating warm and open communication in the family.
Not only that, PAUD Sekar Jambi Pademawu also acts as a facilitator in building a community of parents who support each other. Through discussion groups and experience sharing sessions, parents can exchange ideas, discuss challenges in educating children, and get solutions from educators and experts who are competent in the field of parenting.
With a sustainable approach, it is hoped that this program can be an effective place for parents in improving their parenting skills. Thus, children not only get good academic education, but also grow with strong moral values, ready to face life challenges, and become generations of character and noble character